March 31 | Snarøyveien 20

Tech Thursday: Pioneering floating Power-to-X solutions


date: March 31, 2022
location: Snarøyveien 20, 1360 Lysaker

Join us on Thursday for lunch and knowledge sharing with H2Carrier!

Are you interested in the energy transition and what is happening out there?

Sebastian Kihle CTO and Raymond Bjøntegård COO at H2Carrier will present the proprietary floating energy production and storage system P2XFloater™: The first industrial-scale floating green hydrogen and ammonia facility of its kind in the world. By enabling power producers to generate hydrogen and ammonia from land-locked green power, H2Carrier is helping the world access transportable green fuels.

H2Carrier’s proprietary solutions, technology partnerships, and unique access to green energy projects and off-takers enable them to develop the world’s first off-grid green hydrogen and ammonia projects.

Sign up here.

Our innovation platform Energy.Invented highlights interesting and innovative energy technologies and companies. We invite companies to present their energy technologies and innovations in 10-15 minute presentations. Each session will be dedicated to one company, the presentations will focus on technology, innovation, and business development followed by Q&A.